The region
The Northeast region of Brazil is famous nationwide for the warmth of its people and the richness of its culture. It has created its own musical styles (Forró, Baião), turned local stories into a unique literary genre (Cordel), developed a distinctive blend of dance and martial art (Capoeira), cultivated the rich tradition of Afro-Brazilian religions (Candomblé, Umbanda), and elevated its African culinary heritage to create a local cuisine centered on fish, seafood, and regional flavors. The people of the Northeast are also well known for their relaxed and easygoing approach to life, prioritizing core values such as friends, family, and leisure.
Wind Sports
With a coastline that offers hundreds of kilometers of downwind runs parallel to the shore, warm waters year-round (26-28°C), and strong, consistent winds for seven months of the year, enthusiasts of all water sports—whether kiteboarding, wingfoiling, windsurfing, sailing, or others—can flow freely, with full technical support available.
How to get to Preá
Jericoacoara Airport (JJD) is just 15 minutes from Vila Carnaúba and is expected to receive international flights in the near future.
There is also the option to arrive via Fortaleza international airport (FOR), and catch a 55-minute flight to Jericoacoara or go on a 4-hour drive by land.
Estimated travel time from:
São Paulo - 3:30h
Miami - 7:00h
New York - 8:30h
Lisbon - 7:40h
Paris - 9:00h
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Flow City SPE1 Empreendimento Imobiliário LTDA. CNPJ: 36.244.270/0001-95